• Who We Are
        • Learn more about MITRE Engenuity’s journey as a hub for transformative innovation.

        • How We Engage
        • We forge innovative partnerships to generate whole-of-nation solutions to complex technological problems.

        • Contact Us
        • Connect with a member of the MITRE Engenuity team and ensure your inquiry gets to the right people.

        • Cybersecurity
        • We are relentlessly advancing the art of threat-informed defense, anchored by a belief that we can improve our defenses with a systemic application of a deep understanding of adversary tradecraft and technology.

        • ATT&CK Evaluations
        • We offer objective analysis of cyber products and features – see our latest results.

        • Center for Threat-Informed Defense
        • Read more about the cutting-edge research and development being done with input from our participant organizations, featuring some of the top security operations centers.

        • News & Insights
        • We are leading the leading edge of innovation. Explore the latest news, insights, R&D, and special projects from our advanced tech experts and partners.

        • Subscribe to Our Newsletters
        • Our tech foundation is addressing the complex problems that face our nation today. Find out how you can join our efforts as we spur innovation for public good.



We work at the intersection of government and industry to accelerate innovation, advance technology, and solve the complex challenges facing our nation and the world. Through this radical collaboration, we are ensuring whole-of-nation solutions that have generational impact on our economic stability, national security, democratic principles, and quality of life.

We work at the intersection of government and industry to accelerate innovation, advance technology, and solve the complex challenges facing our nation and the world. Through this radical collaboration, we are ensuring whole-of-nation solutions that have generational impact on our economic stability, national security, democratic principles, and quality of life.

MITRE Talk: Resilient Nation

In MITRE Talk: Resilient Nation, MITRE SVP and MITRE Engenuity Chief Acceleration Officer Dr. Laurie Giandomenico
paints a picture of the past, present, and future for innovation in America.

Headshot of Laurie Giandomenico

answering the challenge of Global strategic competition

“Our vision is to unite industries in the public interest, to turn competition into a force for good that will challenge us to work together, to aspire toward greater productivity, greater impact – to find a common goal that is higher than the profits of one company, accelerate innovation, and ensure U.S. leadership for generations to come.”

Laurie Giandomenico, Ph.D.

SVP & Chief Acceleration Officer of MITRE Accelerator, and Managing Director, MITRE Engenuity

MITRE Office Building at Sunset

Solving Problems for
a Safer World is Our Legacy

We work with industry to create new business models and novel strategies that serve the public interest and solve hard technical problems that government can not solve alone. Leveraging our deep tech capabilities honed through over 60 years of leading edge innovation, we deliver impact at scale that bolsters infrastructure integrity, health security, supply chain resiliency, and the retention of intellectual capital.

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